New Year's Resolutions For 2013 
It’s fast approaching Christmas and that time of year when we find ourselves reviewing the year and using the New Year as an excuse to change our ways. On a personal level, losing weight, finding a better work/life balance, living healthier and travelling usually top the list. But what about your New Year business resolutions?
According to Jack Welch, “If change is happening on the outside faster than on the inside the end is in sight.” For accountants, you need to constantly change to keep pace with technology and your clients. Below is a short list of things you need to be doing and if you’re not already doing them, make 2013 your year of change:
1. Develop your Social Media and Inbound Marketing Program
Social media is here, whether you like it or not. It is changing perceptions about businesses, giving individuals powerful voices and it is forcing business owners to change their marketing mindset. Shorter attention spans, information overload, the growth of mobile technology and our need for instant, personalized information means that the social web is powerful. Our future clients (Gen X and Y) thrive and communicate using these channels. They connect and share relevant information and customer service experiences using social media. They communicate about brands and LinkedIn has become a key recruitment tool.
These channels let us locate our customers and learn what services they require so we can tailor our marketing message and showcase our services in a manner that attracts the niche audience to our business. You cannot begin to create a social media strategy until you understand what each and every site is, how it functions and what it could do for your practice. Make this a priority in 2013 particularly if your client base is ageing and in need of rejuvenation.
2. Your Website is a Work In Progress
You can read a more detailed story here but without a website you are simply floating in a sea of sameness. Prospective clients often start their search for a new accountant on the web and what happens when they Google, “Accountant Your Suburb”? Do you appear on page one and what impression do they get when they land on your home page? Build more inbound links, update the content and focus on niche markets in 2013.
3. Document Your Marketing Plan
Without a written marketing action plan, all roads lead to nowhere. By documenting the plan and assigning the action steps to people in your business (with a time line) you make everyone accountable. You can review what has happened, measure the outcomes and tweak the plan for improved results.
If you lose your way you can always re-visit your plan and pick up where you left off. Most accountants don’t document their marketing action plan and wonder why nothing happens. They simply hope clients will refer but ‘hope’ is not an effective marketing strategy. Start working on your 2013 plan and if you need assistance along the way, we’re here to help!
Pat Camm
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