Want To Grow Your Firm?
Having specialised in marketing for accounting firms for many years, there’s never been a more important time for accountants to ramp up their marketing activities. The full effect of COVID-19 on your client base won’t be known for some time but there’s no doubt, there will be casualties.
Some firms will obviously lose more clients than others but some firms will lose high end clients and others might simply lose smaller clients. Firms who specialise in troubled industries like travel agents, event management, the arts and hotels might experience significant losses. The obvious question is - How do you plan to replace those clients?
No doubt, some firms will try and buy fees but as you’ve already read in this
newsletter, we have several hundred registered buyers and only a handful of vendors. It’s hard to buy fees in such a competitive market.
Other firms will ramp up their marketing and in my opinion, your marketing could be the difference between Doom, Gloom and Boom in 2020/21
and beyond.
During the coronavirus lockdown period, Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN) saw a daytime usage increase of 70-80%, compared to previous months. People were chained to their phones, iPads and laptops so screen time went through the roof. Some say it’s an addiction, however, it highlights the shift in consumer behaviour and the need for firms to work on their online presence.
It starts with a website and over the past few years some members
of the Accountant’s Accelerator Group have enjoyed phenomenal growth. Their websites have one clear objective – generate new clients. Most
importantly, these aren’t just any type of client, these are your ideal type of client because we fine tune the content to your industry
niches, specialist services and geographic location. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to attract plumbers, pharmacists or pizza shops as
clients, we craft the content to position you as the industry expert. As you would expect, the website contains lead magnets, calls to
action, opt-in boxes and videos.
Post pandemic, I expect a lot of clients to change accountants from reactive firms to proactive firms. The pandemic has reinforced what we already knew, business owners want an accountant who does more than just keep the score.
The Accountant’s Accelerator Group is for proactive and ambitious accountants who want to spend their time HELPING clients, not FINDING clients. The focus is all online marketing tactics including - Google searches, content marketing, email marketing and social media. Most importantly, it works and members are getting a constant flow of enquiries, leads and new clients. Some firms are generating 6 figure returns year on year.
the first time in several years we are opening up membership and have 2 spots available for the 2020/21 intake. If you visit this page you
can read all about the membership benefits and download the expression of interest/application form. If you want to know how this programme
can impact on your growth, you can read the following member case studies.
Case Study 1, Case Study 2, Case Study 3
If you're a committed, proactive and ambitious firm looking to grow, we invite you to contact us today.
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